Harbour Information (use the icons to find out more)

Ryde Leisure Harbour

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Courtesy Flag

Flag, Red Ensign


Off Harbour Entrance (drying) 50:44'.00N 001:09'.30 W


Admiralty 2036, 2045, SC5600

Rules & Regulations

10 Knts in Channel, 5 Knts in Harbour, No Wash, Small craft only.


Extensive Drying Areas in Approach, Harbour Dries Out

Tidal Data Times & Range

HW Dover +0015 MHWS 4.5m, MHWN 3.7m, MLWN 1.9m, MLWS 0.9m Tide tables:   (links)

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General Description

Ryde Harbour is a very small development lying to East of Ryde Pier (with its ferry terminal) and adjacent to the hovercraft landing ramp. The 150 berth harbour can handle up to 70 visitors, and is only really suitable for small craft able to take the ground. Boats of up to 1.5 m draft can be handled at neap tides, slightly more at Springs.  ... read more


It is assumed you have done your tidal calculations for crossing the sands and entering harbour, as whole area dries out completely. This channel is a favourite parking slot for boats approaching Ryde so best come in on a rising tide an hour before HW though the harbour is saying access is two hours either side  The soundings on the Navionics chart are not sourced from an Admiralty survey.  We recommend that every caution is taken on depth;  work out how much water there should be and then add a bit on for Mother ... read more

Berthing, Mooring & Anchoring

Berth where directed by the harbour master with bilge keelers able to sit upright tying up on the pontoons,... ... read more

Your Ratings & Comments

Depth Approaching Ryde
Written by Tom N | 1st Jul 2024
Went into Ryde for the first time 29-30 June in a 35' foot bilge keel drawing 1.2m. There was less water available than I expected. Following the centre of the channel with a smooth turn through the last pair of buoys I went over patches that I reckon were +2.8m over datum. Approaching the harbour entrance you must keep over to the port side close to the red posts, a sand bar extends at least a third of the way across the entrance from the green posts. Inside I found enough depth to turn easily and come alongside the western side of the first pontoon. Dried out comfortably on relatively flat sand (there were a few holes that I missed by luck rather than judgement). Very pleasant marina team to welcome us and enjoyed the stay. I suspect the sand and channel shifts regularly here so I strongly suggest calling the marina team before heading in for the first time.
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Written by Ianknx | 17th Aug 2023
Apologies High Water should read 3.35Mts not 1.9 which was low wate.r
Written by Ianknx | 16th Aug 2023
Visited 11th August 2023 on a1.9 Meter tide at1 hour before high tide.

On approach to the harbour entrane a small orange bouy was sighted in the cente of the port and starboard entrance marker post , keeping the buoy to port we entered and touched bottom.

Our boat has a keel depth of 1.1 metres and afer several attempts we managed to clear the entrance and make it alongside the visitors pontoon (£24 per night for 9.9Mtr boat) a very uncomfortable night as the boat nose dived and pitched away from the pontoon due to the ground underneath.

Upon leaving the next day around 1 hour before high tide again we struck bottom and after several attempts to leave the harbour master appeared in a small boat to assist in towing us out of the harbour, other visitors were extremely worried about their ability to leave.

Update April2022
Written by Don Thomson 3 | 1st Apr 2022
I reviewed these notes in April 2022. There is uncertainty about the future of Ryde Harbour. The Island Council has relinquished it to the Ryde Town Council who took charge at the beginning of this month. They are incommunicado at the moment. We know that it is badly silted up and there are rumours of turning it into a car park but those are unsubstantiated so we wait with baited breath.
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A ticket to Ryde?
Written by Tyro Sailor | 4th Sep 2021
I've heard from two independent soures that Ryde Harbour has silted up and is closed, and the various councils are arguing about whose responsibility it is to dredge it. Probably best visited by hovercraft or catamaran ferry.

Editors Note: It's still open and being used, and has a new HM. It needs dredging.
Update May 2018
Written by JefHig | 10th May 2018
The fire damaged pontoon has been replaced.
Due to flood relied work which is currently taking place on the beach the harbour wall does not provide access to the shore, it's fenced off. You can still tie up to the wall.
Written by Don Thomson | 22nd Mar 2018
I have talked to the HM here and he agrees with our member below that dog legging in as he has described is a good idea. I've altered the text to reflect this. The fire damaged pontoon has been sourced and will go in just after Easter (2018) I've updated the prices and the chart.
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Ryde Harbour Update
Written by Robert1962 | 31st Aug 2017
Two issues have arisen this year to give visitors a problem when using Ryde Harbour. The first is that a sand bar has built over the bouyed entrance and vessels would be advised to navigate alongside the pier (to the west of the entrance till they are adjacent to No:3 bouy and then head towards the harbour entrance. At high tide (neaps) I was showing 1.2 on the sounder when I passed over the bar. Also a boat fire has caused serious damage to the visitors pontoon, severely restricting the amount of visiting craft able to get a berth. Call the Harbour Master prior to your visit to get an update on the situation - 31/08/17
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Update April 2014
Written by dononshytalk | 3rd Apr 2014
These notes were reviewed April 2014. There are no changes and the 2013 prices are being held for 2014
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Word from the HM
Written by Bryant | 11th Apr 2011
Fuel is not available alongside, the nearest garage is 1.2 miles away which means a taxi ride or walk there is a pub half way. Visitors who need marine repairs contact harbour staff for local information.

Provisioning is straightforward enough with The Coop perhaps the closest supermarket with local shops across the road.

There is a huge Tesco's superstore just outside of Ryde , and its open 24 hours a day (except Sundays) a taxi or bus ride may be necessary. "
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