Membership... Join Us

There are many valid reasons YOU should join VMH as a paid member in 2024.


It's a small one off investment that just keeps giving...


 Make a secure one off payment of £25, get instant ongoing access.




For those who mainly use phones or tablets and only want UK/Ireland info on the move QUICKLY.. the VMH-Lite site could be a great alternative.

For mainly desktop/laptop users who want full online access to the classic VMH site, including 3D VisiCharts and ongoing discounts on "For Nav" products








  • Joining up helps with our ongoing harbour coverage work... It's impartial, thorough and extensive.  And is used a lot by those who move around the coasts of the UK and Ireland. If you use it, you should join.
  • Our harbour coverage is available (to members only) as downloadable PDFs, always up to date. Research the places you may want to stop... and download our coverage to your tablet for offline use at sea.
  • As an added incentive members get the physical and downloadable "For Nav"  products we make at deep discounts (for example UK-Ireland Android Charts for Marine Navigator.. £9.99 members £15.95 non members). So with a "For Nav"  VMH product, plus membership, you have all the tools to RESEARCH,PLAN & NAVIGATE your way around the UK coastlines..and much further too.
  • Tide Tables.. Our online tide tables are designed so that you can get a whole month showing onscreen (of any of the 400+ locations covered).  Will your chartplotter give you the tide times for September 12th at Wells-next-the-Sea ? Try HERE
  • Tidal Streams.. The NP series of Tidal Strean atlases online for you to view. Some with added notes from old Admiralty Sailing Directions. eg: If you're thinking of sailing through the ferocious tidal streams of the Pentland Firth  THIS will give you the best written description we've seen anywhere, scroll down past the the images for the textual description.
  • Beautiful Charts...pushing back against the trend of horrid & ugly vector charts.. and even "seamless" electronic raster charts.. we've started displaying for members use, a huge and growing collection of the actual underlying hi res PAPER CHARTS.  These "paper" charts are a perfect adjunct for those who use electronic plotters of any kind. Here's ONE REASON  why and here's ANOTHER.  

    Note although we make products with SHOM French charts, they are not available for online viewing at present.

  • Ramping up Google Earth as a nav & research tool.  We were the first in 2012 with individual semi transparent overlay charts online.  Now we've made it seamless !
    Use the UK/Ireland streaming VisiCharts to really get a real feel for the scale of a creek, harbour or marina...before you go charging in. No other chart can do this.   Passage Planning:  If you get familiar with Google Earth, you can use our streaming VisiCharts to actually plan your passages from marina pontoon to sea and back into new harbours use built in Google Earth features to create a series of named or numbered waypoints, measure distances, get courses...

What are SEAMLESS online VisiCharts ?

NEW.. Now for full members we are streaming all UK/Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain and Portugal charts in a form that drape themselves over Google Earth imagery... yes our own VisiCharts.  Seamlessely. 

Start with a globe covered in chart !





  • And zoom right in with tilt and variable transparency. UK/Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain and Portugal

  • Truly visualise your destination and know what to expect, other charts can't really help.  The combination of satellite imagery and overlaid chart is stunning.
  • Quilted chart layers make ordinary raster charts behave like vector charts, but with far more detail.  No need to keep changing charts, the best scale pre-loaded chart for the depth of view is presented automatically.
  • Familiarity:  Why use a strange, new, and difficult to get used to program... VisiCharts harness the powerful geo-browser engine in Google Earth, a tool you probably already use.   Tools already built into GE can handle simple routes and waypoints. 
  • For PCs and Macs, these will not work on mobile devices
  • View your charts in conjunction with satellite imagery, with variable transparency. You need Google Earth already installed (Tip..find that transparency slider)
  • Tilt and rotate the view for 3D effects

Important note: This is stil an experimental service, we reserve the rights to change, modify or withdraw this at any time.


OK, let's see how members actually make full use of VMH in 2021. 

Research:  Online here on the VMH site. Find info about possible stopping places, moorings, prices, see photos, etc.  Examine the possibilities using the VisiCharts online with satellite/chart overlays.

Plan: Gather the material you've researched, download the PDF coverage required. Make your notes and passage plans

Navigate: Using one of our "For Nav" chartpacks, often on an Android device. Routes, waypoints, etc can all be put in at the planning stage.. and easily tweaked for real time circumstances.

Conclusion:  VMH provides an all round essential service and products for those who plan to navigate anywhere in the UK, sail, motor or trailer sailor.

Gain online access to hundreds of zoomable "paper" charts that will fill your screen with chart. Make a secure one off payment of £25, get instant ongoing access.


Who are we ? 

VisitMyHarbour is an award-winning website, that has been providing free UK pilotage information and charts to small craft mariners for 6 years now. VisitMyHarbour has gone from strength to strength, the free harbour coverage has doubled and you will find us well indexed on Google. The website attracts between 1900 and 2700 unique visitors a day. VMH has attracted nearly 6800+ paid members since 2010 (inc. some very well known yachting names) and whose interests range from hot air balooning to navigating in the Fastnet. Our service is second to none, see some recent comments:

The Small Print: Please read carefully:
Security and privacy policy here    We strongly suggest using a low level password, different from any important passwords you may use.

These online charts and tide tables are "Not for Navigation" purposes. (In common with charts and plans in pilot books and Almanacs)   Membership is an online chart VIEWING service, it's not a chartplotting navigation system, you can't connect GPS input to it, plot AIS on it etc.  See Legal notices and conditions. Memberships are for individuals only, not clubs or organisations.
Listings of full screen charts available for members:
UK and International Charts, Lists of what's available


PCs and Macs  All full screen charts in members area,, all zoomable tide tables and streams, in full screen.

PCs and Macs with Google Earth installed: Seamless VisiCharts within members area in addition to above.

iPad/phone - Android devices: All full screen charts / tidal strreams, full screen Tide Tables for members only.. Not compatible with Google Earth VisiCharts.  VMH lite is more suitable for quick tablet access.

We will be displaying all the UK/Irish charts that are available. There are however a couple of exceptions where copyright issues prevent us from displaying the whole chart.  A 12 month rolling replacement scheme will ensure UK charts are always up to date, urgent replacements will be made quarterly. International charts: Our growing collection is going online as fast as possible. It stands at 800 odd full sized "paper" charts online, with input from Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and the Netherlands  amongst others. International charts are updated less frequently. No detailed French coverage online at present.

One off Membership fee:

This does not expire and there's no more to pay.  How long does this last ?  As long as this site is running, and the UKHO continue to license us (been running 15 years now and growing all the time).  There will be no partial refunds in the future, and we cannot be held responsible for events outside of our control.  We are a bona-fide business, and have achieved the Trading Standards buy with confidence logo.  


All Windows and Macs have built in capabilities for screen-shotting anything on your screen at the time.  WARNING if you use these built in features to screen-shot and then print bits of chart images, the resulting printout IS NOT A NAVIGATION CHART.  Printing of A4 chartlets from the material on this site is considered "Unauthorised Reproduction" by the UKHO.  Under the well established doctrine of "Fair Use", you are legally allowed to make prints for "private study" amongst other things:  MORE INFORMATION...CLICK


VisitMyHarbour are licensed to display these charts online. Most of the charts/UK tide tables displayed on this site are British Crown Copyright , and are displayed for your own personal use. You are strictly forbidden to use any of these images in your own websites, distribute copies of them, or e-mail copies of them to anyone.  Links Policy
Join NOW and have access to the best up-to-date charts and tide tables for years to come.



When you join up with, you are not enriching the coffers of some moneygrubbing PLC.  You're not paying £7.50+ for some smeared 2 page black and white photocopy from an archived magazine.  You are able to examine in the finest detail over £12,810's worth of up-to-date charts.

Paid up member or not, we endeavour to answer all your enquiries and help in any way we can.  We truly do believe in the brotherhood of the sea, and aim to work in a spirit of co-operation.  We are in the ongoing process of gathering and building up the best and most up to date pilotage information available for UK waters, and with your support we'll accomplish it.

We are also now making top selling "for navigation" chartplotter  packages for your laptop, and for Android. Please support our work by joining up as a member.

It may also be fashionable to knock the UKHO in some circles, grumbling about taxpayers money etc.  The fact is they provide the source information for all things nautical around our coasts, licence their copyright data, and stand on their own feet as a trading fund without taxpayers money. Long may it remain that way.

Best Regards,



      Bryant    and   Thomson


PPS: If you have any enquiries or questions simply phone customer services.  Likewise if you have any problems accessing your charts or are unhappy in any way in with your purchase simply  Contact Us Now: Contact Us

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