Harbour Information (use the icons to find out more)

Isle of Man-Port St. Mary

Your Comments: 8 Read or add your comments

Courtesy Flag

Flag, Red Ensign


54° 04.21N 004° 43.37W


AC 2094 Kirkcudbright to the Mull of Galloway & Isle of Man; AC 1826 Irish Sea Eastern Part; AC 2696-7 Bay ny Carrickey; SC 5613.20 Isle of Man West Coast incl. Calf Sound; SC 5613.22 Isle of Man Harbours, Port St Mary; Imray C62 Irish Sea; Imray Y70 Isle of Man (Harbour Plan of Peel)

Rules & Regulations

None known


The Carrick in the middle of the Bay. Rocky outcrop close NW of Alfred Pier and further rocks within the outer harbour

Tidal Data Times & Range

HW is HW Dover +0020 MHWS 5.9m MHWN 4.8Mm MLWN 1.6m MLWS 0.5m.   (links)

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General Description

Harbour Keeper  VHF 12    tel no +44 (0) 1624 833205 
                                            Mobile (Southern Duty Officer)  (0)7624 451503
Marine Operations Centre  VHF#12    01624 687543
... read more


The tidal streams close in around the IOM do not follow those depicted in the UKHO tidal Atlas; there are often counter currents. For close-in information you can access the IOM's own tidal streams info at
tidal_streams.pdf (gov.im)
tidal_streams_2.pdf (gov.im) ... read more

Berthing, Mooring & Anchoring

On offer are drying, alongside berths in the inner harbour, ... read more

Your Ratings & Comments

May 23
Written by Stephen Torrance | 21st May 2023
Arrived from Holyhead on a big spring tide. Long lines or doubling up required. High vertical ladder access. The wall is still high even at high water. Not a lot of options with fishing fleet alongside they also take the power points so not much chance of plugging in. Clean basic facilities pub close by. OK for a stopover and convenient from the South.
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Enjoyable stop - limited services
Written by Diggersailing | 26th Sep 2022
We stopped here on a delivery north mid-September 2022. We were still close to spring tides so the fall on the tide whilst alongside the wall was considerable. The climb and descent need consideration. The harbour staff were great, the shower and loo are basic and were clean. There was evidence of a pontoon and a place by the steps for it, but it appeared to have been removed. It would be good to have confirmation as that would be a considerable benefit. Yacht club was very friendly as we remembered it albeit quiet. Chinese takeaway and Co-op further up in the village. HM offered to drive us to next village/town for diesel but we pressed on in the morning.
Written by Don Thomson 3 | 13th Sep 2022
I reviewed these notes in September 2022. Price change but nothing else.
Written by Don Thomson 3 | 9th Aug 2021
I reviewed these notes in August 2021. The HM here is also HM for Castletown and has been very helpful. Things have been improving over the years but like the other harbours on the IOM it plays second fiddle to the Douglas and Peel.
Written by Don Thomson | 18th Apr 2018
They are re-organising the visitors' buoys here so there should be some improvement. Prices have been adjusted for 2018
Update Spring 2016
Written by dononshytalk | 14th Apr 2016
These notes were reviewed by Don in April 2016. In the comments below reference is made to "Albert Pier" - it's Alfred Pier. There is a Harbour Keeper and he's the same one that was here in the nineties (they made them all redundant and have recently taken them on again!) The prices have been updated and we have noted the lack of fuel.
PSM update
Written by Taff | 4th Jul 2015
PSM now has a harbourmaster and substantial work is underway to renovate the Albert pier. Our ladder, at least, was firmly attached. Things are looking up!
1 of 1 people found this helpful
Current Issues at PSM
Written by Taff | 18th Jun 2014
The harbour master has retired and there are no plans, as far as I know, to replace him on a full time basis,
The climb up a ladder from a boat on to the Albert Pier can be about 12m at low water. The ladders are rusty and some are not fully attached to the wall. There is one tap at the closed harbour office, and one male (and one female) WC and shower. (All clean, if basic). There is no display of charges, and no honesty box. Diesel is not available.

Very long warps are needed, and it can be very uncomfortable against the wall in many wind conditions.

The commercial operators we encountered were friendly and helpful.

The town itself is pretty, but with many empty shops. The pub (The Albert) has good beers.

All a bit sad really.

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