Harbour Information (use the icons to find out more)

Rothesay, Port Bannatyne and Anchorages Around Bute

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Courtesy Flag

Flag, Red Ensign


None given


Admiralty, 1907 S.Bute, 1906 N.Bute

Rules & Regulations



No Particular Hazards. Tide can reach up to 3 knts in the narrow passages of the Burnt Islands.

Tidal Data Times & Range

+0100 Dover MHWS 3.6m, MHWN 3.1m, MLWN 1.2m, MLWS 0.6m Note: The flood tide enters W.Kyle and E.Kyle from seawards and meets up around the Burnt Islands.   (links)

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General Description

Rothesay harbour nestles in Rothesay Bay on the East side.... ... read more


Entry to Rothesay Bay is straightforward enough, ... read more

Berthing, Mooring & Anchoring

Anchorages around Bute...anti clockwise from Rothesay. ... read more

Your Ratings & Comments

Written by Contender | 19th Jul 2024
Wreck Bay (Kyles of Bute, Bute side) is a good anchorage out of the current. Anchor in as shallow as draft permits. Can be busy. Holding good in sandy mud.
Caladh Harbout, on the west side of the entrance to L Riddon, is another good anchorage in 3-4m, but is tight when there are >3 boats in there. Holding good.
Rothesay: Anchorage from 250m west of the ferry ramp as far as the yacht club building is good, though avoid the few private moorings there (or use trip line). Holding is OK.
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Rothesay Facilities
Written by Grr | 16th Apr 2023
The pontoons in the outer harbour are now in use with power and water. If you want to make an early morning departure this is ideal as there is no need to raise the bridge.
When approaching or leaving give the harbour master a shout on CH12 and they will change the lights if they are able. They are very friendly and go out of their way to help where they can.
If there is noone around the gate code is at the top of the ramp and the Bute Berthing Company office has an honesty box (it's a small yellowish kiosk next to the bus stop by the inner harbour).
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Written by Don Thomson 3 | 23rd Aug 2022
I reviewed these notes in August 2022. Most of the prices have been adjusted. The pontoons in the Outer Basin are still not available for use (although they are very close)
Port Bannatyne
Written by Grr | 18th Jan 2022
The Indian in Rothesay will deliver to the marina. And the Post Office does excellent filled rolls in the morning.
Written by Don Thomson 3 | 16th Jul 2021
I reviewed these notes in July 2021. The "marina" at Rothesay has troubles and the pontoon in the outer harbour is not available. Port Bannatyne is going strong. Collintraive still has buoys but Kilchattan has no visitors buoys at the moment.
Written by Don Thomson | 18th Apr 2017
I reviewed these notes in April 2017. The price has gone up a bit in Rothesay whilst they are being held at Port Bannatyne for this year.
Port Bannatyne
Written by Sheila Harrison | 28th Apr 2015
Shore power is an extra £2 a day. Buses to Rothesay are every half hour or so.
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Update 2015
Written by dononshytalk | 10th Apr 2015
These notes were reviewed by Don in April 2015. Some prices have changed but little else has. Note that at Collintraive they now have a 60 ton mooring.
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Update 2013
Written by dononshytalk | 6th Mar 2013
The notes for the Isle of Bute were updated by Don T on the 6th March 2013. Facilities for berthing at Rothesay have been improved and the moorings in the bay removed. I have added navigational information for passage through the Burnt Isles where fierce tidal streams can be encountered.
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