Unified Charts... What are they ?

Versatile product range:

VisitMyHarbour "Unified Charts"... an easy to use way of providing "For Navigation" Raster charts, that are compatible with some fantastic free, cheap, or specialist navigation programs.

******Windows Vista, 7, 8.1 or10  ******* (not XP)

Unified charts are compatible with nominated WINDOWS programs, not Mac, Linux,  etc. The downloadable .iso image versions load as a virual DVD and are licensed for ONE Windows machine, with ONE Windows backup allowed.

Matching chartsets are also bundled or downloadable for Marine Navigator Android app or qtVlm app, with 2 Android activations allowed... In addition to the Windows useage

  • Virtual DVD image (.iso) supplied by download..test compatibility  Easy activation process.
  • .iso versions are a little faster than the USB
  • Cheaper than the USB, but not as versatile.
  • USB version is portable similar to the current ChartStick
  • All Unified Chart versions come with a free initial update. Now including download versions.
  • USB is for those who often change, modify, break, swap Windows machines
  • Charts for Marine Navigator Android app and qtVlm app, included with all "Unified Charts" packages

So, Unified Charts will work with standard versions of the following:

Marine Navigator                 qtVlm                       SeaClear              OpenCPN              Polar View           Expedition    

Our take on it... 

qtVlm   is a modern fully featured cross platform nav and weather/tide routeing program.  Excellent instrumentation, simulation modes and easy default Widows install direct from Unified Charts media. Steeper learning curve than some, perfect for racing sailboatsFree (Windows), bundled

SeaClear is simple, reliable and bomb proof. Best image quality of the lot. Free.  

OpenCPN, Popular open source program, charts work with newer official releases ( inc 5.8.4 ) only,   Free, bundled.

Expedition is a specialist yacht racing program, used by professionals, not cheap. 

Polar View is no longer available

Mobile Use

OpenCPN on Android Is NOT supported. Windows only.

Marine Navigator on Android is a best seller & really popular. Self contained, powerful and easy to use. Excellent image quality, AIS capability.  Was perviously in the Google Play Store. Now available with AIS capability from us.  ....Marine Naviagtor charts are bundled with Unified Charts

qtVlm is also available for iOS and Android. The SAME charts used for the Windows installation can be used for mobile use, and are activated in the same way as Marine Navigator charts, using unlock codes provided.

Once you have Unified Charts...you can try them all !

Computer specs required:  Windows Vista, or 7 and intel based Windows8, 8.1,10.   This will not work on Macs, ipads, linux etc.  In general... the faster the processor speeds the better results you'll get. For use with openCPN we recommend experimenting with OpenGL mode for best image quality,  Registration requires internet connection , after initial registration NO INTERNET CONNECTION NEEDED.  Android-"Marine Navigator" will run on old and new Android systems, registration via separate unlock code provided.

Differences between methods of delivery:

Download: Simplest, cheapest, and quickest. You choose and pay for your chosen coverage, and receive an automated email with a link to download the Windows virtual DVD version, (and instructions and separate link for the Marine Navigator Android version. Activation of Marine Navigator or qtVlm mobile charts is by separate activation codes).  For Windows, test compatibility you are provided with ONE activation for Windows, with ONE backup activation (for another machine.)  You could be up and running within minutes on Windows. Cheap or free initial update within first year.. Ideal for the new breed of Windows 10 tablets. Summary: 1 Windows with 1 backup in reserve. 2 Android or iOS (qtVlm) activations.

Secure USB drive :  The Windows charts are "on the USB" and can't be copied (or backed up). Programs use the charts directly from the USB, so are marginally slower than the virtual DVD method. This is like the Chart Stick but with added capability. 100% portable between Windows machines. Use on as many as you like. The Marine Navigator Android charts & qtVlm Android or iOS charts are  bundled with the USB . Cheap or free initial update within first year. Obviously more expensive, and postage too. But versatile, and already well tested..(The legacy ChartStick has proved reliable and popular). Unified Charts are the replacement for the ChartStick. Summary: Multiple Windows useage with the USB. 2 Android (or iOS) activations.


NOW available




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