Impartial harbour coverage

Free harbour coverage, with charts, photos, local info and prices
Harbours: Each harbour (NOT JUST marinas) has full sailing directions, free charts, and photo galleries. All mooring options are covered, including: prices, local facilities, provisioning, launching places, pubs and dining. Plus 7 day weather and tide times.   Interactivity   Logged in visitors can leave comments and information.


The web is a rich source of information for those planning to move around our coasts in a boat.  Nearly all marinas have a website... they tend to be glossy promotional extensions of a brochure, esp. the ones produced by the big marina groups.  Any bad bits (like going aground at your pontoon..or worse still when trying to get in)...  will not be mentioned.

Other online and printed free guides.. are also liable to be glossy and superficial.  Quite simply because they rely on advertising, and they daren't "bite the hand that feeds"...

This site was started in 2009 with 150 harbours covered. These have been regularly updated and another 150 added.  This work is time consuming and expensive. There is much on the water research, plus follow up calls and chartwork. Plus a lot of web research that we do in order to get all the right "follow up" links for you in one place.

Added to that we pay to license directly from the UKHO, a wealth of chart and tidal information.... that we present much of..for free. We also pay to license aerial photographs for you to view. It all adds up to a very complete and well rounded view of an estuary, river, harbour and/or marina. You can look on this coverage as an online "Pilot Book"... with more information than available in an almanac. Glossy and superficial, it is not. We don't rely on advertising, so we have no fear of telling it how it is. And YOU can add your own feedback.

Save yourself trouble...Check out your destination before you arrive


       PWC breaking 5 knt speed limit in Wootton Creek

You can access 1000's of pages of free detailed harbour coverage from the "Regions" menu to your LEFT.

Or:  Click here to browse through all harbours 

Or: Access them on the new map driven  VMH-Lite   Harbours will appear as clickable markers

Others have attempted wikis or crowd sourced coverage (with no charts), but in our experience they don't last ... and the "crowd" providing the information consists of a handful of individuals.   Sadly human nature and dogged ongoing hard work do not mix, without a pay packet !


OUR pay packet comes from people who decide to pay £25 and become a "Full Member", and also from those who buy our own "For Nav" chart packs, that run in pre-existing programs and apps. We do some quite innovative work, and don't charge a lot for our products.

Find out how 6500+ members use the    Members Area
(Full members can download handy PDF versions of the harbour coverage for offline use, PCs or tablets.)

Find out about our very popular    "For Nav" products

If you research us online, you'll find we have a good reputation



Another good reason to fork out a one off £25 and join VisitMyHarbour:  Click HERE to find out more

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